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TaskFi Protocol

when work integrates
smart contracton-chain reputationGenerative AI
smart contracton-chain reputationGenerative AI

TaskFi is an AI Generative Decentralized Work Protocol that enables a whole new level of worker experience and productivity.

Protocol Layer

As the foundation of TaskFi ecosystem, it applies Generative AI & Blockchain to revolutionize your work with

Apps Layer

Built on the TaskFi protocol and consists of innovative & useful work-enhancement apps

DMission - Community & User Engagement

The ultimate airdrop gate to team up, play thrilling games, and unlock an endless array of web3 apps through captivating campaigns.
And the best part? You can monetize your activities on DMission too!

Will you take the chance or drop it off?

Powered by
  • $200k+
  • 3.5M
  • ~100
  • 200k
Web3 Freelancer Platform

Where Recruiters outsource a variety of task categories to a vast network of freelancers.
Smart contracts and decentralized dispute resolution features to ensure that transactions are secure and transparent.

No more worry about Freelancer task marketplace issues!

Web3 Freelancer Platform
LinkedIn in Web3

A decentralized “LinkedIn” that fills the gap between community and belongings in the gig economy.
You know, having robust relationships can alleviate the emotional and career path difficulties that gig workers face.

Sound interesting enough?

Linkedin in Web3

Sustainable.Accessible. Productive.

Creators of TaskFi

  • The Foundation

    Asia's leading incubator and powerhouse with extraordinary impact, specializing in Web3 development, game discovery layers, and user engagement initiatives.

  • The Builders

    First gaming hub for decentralized gaming with 300+ games featured and 1M+ audience.

    And you? Yes, anyone can apply to get your app on TaskFi.

  • The Recruiters & Workers

    The roles of contributors are valued by TaskFi as we strive to nurture a sustainable network effect. We believe a healthy professional ecosystem is the right way to shape the future of work.